TEDxFindhorn 2nd February 2018
We are proud to announce the 8th in the series of TEDxFindhorn events at 7.30pm in the Universal Hall on Friday 2nd February 2018. Again, we have a line-up of 4 amazing speakers! If you wish to come in person, please be aware that TED require all attendees to sign their email address, which can take a bit of time, so to avoid queue formation, please come early! There will be a bookshop – cash only! Tickets costs £10/£8 and can be bought on the door or here:
Please note, this event will be livestreamed at tedxfindhorn.com/streaming
Robert Holden Ph.D.
“Destination Addiction”
Destination Addiction is prevalent in our Manic Society. People who suffer from it are addicted to the idea that the future is where success is, happiness is and heaven is. Robert Holden PhD., Director of Success Intelligence, shows us
how to stop chasing success and live in the present. “A successful life can only ever be the one you are living now,” he says.
Bio: Robert’s innovative work on psychology and spirituality has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, a PBS show called Shift Happens!, and in two major BBC documentaries called The Happiness Formula and How to Be Happy, shown to over 30 million television viewers worldwide. www.robertholden.org
Dr Ingeborg Bosch
“Who am I? PRI: the laser method for reconnecting to self and others”
Through her own suffering, best-selling author Ingeborg Bosch, found a way out of hell. Ingeborg is one of the leading psychologists of her time. Her groundbreaking method, Past
Reality Integration, has been embraced by professionals and laymen alike, and has proven itself an effective tool to free ourselves from negative emotions and destructive habits. In this talk she shares her journey. Join her on an exploration of how we all develop layers of defences, that prevent us from living our deepest joy – and how to dissolve these, to rediscover the True Self and connect again.
Ingeborg Bosch is the author of five self-help books: ‘Rediscovering the True Self’, ‘Illusions’, ‘Innocent Prisoners’, ‘Past Reality Integration: 3 steps to mastering the art of conscious healing’, ‘Our Love’. Originally from Holland, she lives in the South of France, where she consults, trains therapists and teaches worldwide. http://www.
Alisoun MacKenzie
“Isn’t Business an Opportunity to be Kind?”
We live in a time when consumers and employees are challenging businesses to do good rather than focus on profits at the expense of people, communities and the planet. Inspired by young genocide survivors in Rwanda, Alisoun discovered that charitable giving is a powerful way to turn a commercial business into a force for good. In this thought provoking talk, Alisoun shares how fundraising for her humanitarian trips unexpectedly birthed a new compassionate business model, and the part we can all play as consumers in encouraging businesses to care.
Bio: Often described as one of the most authentic and inspiring souls you can meet, Alisoun is on a mission to empower business owners and entrepreneurs to grow profitable businesses that make a difference in the world. Alisoun’s keynote talks, training, mentoring, and best-selling books Give-to-Profit and Heartatude have favourably changed the good fortune of thousands of people worldwide. She loves doing humanitarian work, fundraising and living by the beach in Scotland. https://alisoun.com/
Andrew Newman
“Why the last 20 minutes of the day matter.”
Did you ever go to sleep on an argument hoping that you’d wake up the next morning and things would be ‘all better’? Were things better?
The last 20 minutes of the day are an important time for connection, or more specifically re-connection. This is especially important for children who are trying to make sense of the experiences of their day as they transition into sleep. When their day includes moments of feeling unwelcome, shame, or unsafe to be themselves, then these 20 minutes are the last chance to repair the painful separation before it gets embodied during sleep and begins to corrode their self esteem and confidence more permanently. Andrew explores the power of simple connection practices in growing ease, confidence and esteem in adults and children alike.
Bio: Andrew Newman learned a lot about diamonds and gold as a privileged apartheid baby and fourth generation family jeweller in South Africa. However, in response to a deep existential crisis, he turned to spiritual enquiry, and dove into the deep end of healing, psychology and personal development. This left-turn in life astonished even him. His unplanned adventures turned into 12 years of professional training with amongst others, Dr. Barbara Brennan (author Hands of Light) and Jason Shulman (founder of A Society of Souls). Andrew is the founder of the Conscious Bedtime Story Club and is the author of many books for children including “The Boy Who Searched for Silence”, “The Hug Who Got Stuck” and “The Elephant Who Tried To Tiptoe”. http://www.consciousstories.com/