TEDxFindhorn 5th October 2017

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Women Standing for Our Future

We are proud to announce the 6th TEDxFindhorn evening event. Held in the beautiful Universal Hall at the Findhorn Foundation, we have a line up of 4 women speakers who are embracing their feminine wisdom to stand for our future.

Please note: though some content may be focused on women and feminine perspectives, the event welcomes a mixed audience.

 Stephanie Mines PhD
“The Neurophysiology of Spiritual Guidance”

Stephanie shares her personal investigations and clinical research into how the brain networks experiences of spiritual guidance alongside her understanding of the neurophysiology of receiving and transmitting it. Clear guidance is differentiated from intuition or occasional psychic hunches. It is an integrated, holistic neurochemical phenomenon that forever transforms the individual who experiences it, recalibrating their nervous system.


Bio: Stephanie devotes herself to the resolution of personal and collective trauma. Her explorations into natural, non-pharmaceutical ways to unburden the nervous system from overwhelm have resulted in five books including We Are All in Shock: How Overwhelming Experience Shatters You and What You Can Do About Itand They Were Families: How War Comes Home. She is the founder of the TARA Approach for the Resolution of Shock and Trauma and the vision holder and convener of CLIMATE CHANGE & CONSCIOUSNESS: Our Legacy for the Earth. http://www.Tara-Approach.org


Joey Walters

Rising Connected ~ How the courage of women is restoring our world.”

Many women all over the world are feeling called to stand for a new future, yet struggle in isolation to find the resourcing needed to bring their authentic voices forward. What is needed? Joey will share how women are becoming courageous feminine leaders by rising connected to themselves, to the Earth and to one another.


Bio: Joey is the founder of Awakening Feminine Leaders; a learning community that resources women change-leaders to awaken their authentic voices and bring their needed contributions forward as feminine leaders. Her work brings nature~based wisdom teachings to contemporary leadership creating a soulful, authentic pathway that allows Feminine Leadership to emerge. She is a gifted mentor and Circle Teacher creating women’s ‘Wisdom Circles’ that enable personal and collective transformation. Joey is completing her first book based on her successful international series “A Call to Stand.” http://awakeningfeminineleaders.com/

Deborah Jay-Lewin

“Restoring health and wisdom through embodied movement”

Deborah looks at the intimate interaction between personal health and the state of the world. She reveals how the experience of embodied movement, presence and conscious emotional intelligence ignites an increased individual sense of health that supports a shift towards a healthy planet.

Bio: Dance Teacher, Energy Worker and Undercover Detective for the Soul, Deborah travels the world working with people solo and in groups; midwifing them into their authentic creative selves through dance and movement. http://www.vitalmoves.co.uk

Margaret Elphinstone

“Speaking to the Animals about the Hunt”

Our technological inventiveness has outstripped our social and psychological development. We cannot handle the world we have created. This talk will seek lessons from our distant ancestors who knew they must listen to the Earth and the Animals to keep the balance right. We must rediscover and apply their skills if we are to survive.

Bio: Margaret addresses these issues in her writing, in both fiction and non-fiction. Her most recent novel, The Gathering Night, examines the life ways of hunter gatherers living sustainably 8000 years ago, an implicit commentary on our times.

Margaret believes the arts have a crucial role in creating contemporary narratives addressing our predicament and offering alternative visions for the future. She has published eight novels, short stories, poetry, literary criticism and two books on organic gardening. Her working life has been spent in Scotland, apart from a short spell in the USA. She is emeritus professor of Writing at Strathclyde University. She now lives with her partner in Galloway. http://www.margaretelphinstone.co.uk/

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